Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Beginning

The afternoon stretched out like spilled water. The sun had dipped into a cloud to touch up it's make up. Gunther and Ames lazed under the window, as their learned thoughts coalesced into the golden rays of enlightenment that spewed forth....

Yawn... What's for lunch?

In Whiche Certaine Records Are Maintained for Future Generationes to Look Back On Withe Their Collective Awe.

From: Gunther
To: Ames
at: 11.42 pm, 4 November 2008

Am missing Gunther n Ames... I know you're very busy n all these days, but how about you n me opening a combined blog? I know, I know, no saying what the collaboration of two geniuses will do to the world--it might never be as it was before! But let's give it a shot, eh? And if u can't update very often, that's ok--don't think I will either. But it'll be fun! C'mon... Whaddaya say?

From: Ames
To: Gunther
at: 11.45 pm, 4 November 2008

Ahem... to quote a great piece of 21st century music- Whyyyyyy naaat? WHyYyyyYY NAat? Whyyy NAT? :D

Thus spake Ames :D

And so it begins...