Tuesday, November 4, 2008

In Whiche Certaine Records Are Maintained for Future Generationes to Look Back On Withe Their Collective Awe.

From: Gunther
To: Ames
at: 11.42 pm, 4 November 2008

Am missing Gunther n Ames... I know you're very busy n all these days, but how about you n me opening a combined blog? I know, I know, no saying what the collaboration of two geniuses will do to the world--it might never be as it was before! But let's give it a shot, eh? And if u can't update very often, that's ok--don't think I will either. But it'll be fun! C'mon... Whaddaya say?

From: Ames
To: Gunther
at: 11.45 pm, 4 November 2008

Ahem... to quote a great piece of 21st century music- Whyyyyyy naaat? WHyYyyyYY NAat? Whyyy NAT? :D

Thus spake Ames :D

And so it begins...

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